Yes, 2nd issue of 5: Designing Media Ecology has published on December 12, 2014.
Click ‘Order “5”’ at the top page or click here for paper or PDF edition.

We are going to sell the second issue at workshops, seminars, symposiums, and some other events.
For the presence, there will be two events 5 will be on sale.

(1) 14:00 to 17:00 Sunday December 28, there will be a media event at 3331, public space of Chiyoda ward, Tokyo.

(2) 19:00 to 21:00 Saturday January 24, a talk session will be at B&B, Shimokitazawa Tokyo. Yoshitaka Mouri, Masaka Miyata will discuss about the manifesto and the making process of 5. RSVP is needed.

You can also find the 2nd issue at Sendai Mediateque Kaneiri Museum Shop 6 in Sendai city, NADiff in Ebisu, B&B in Shimokitazawa of Tokyo.

Get the 2nd issue and have nice year end and new year holidays!


紙雑誌の通販、PDFのご注文はトップページ題字下の「Order “5”」をクリックするか、ここをクリックして下さい。



(2) B&Bトークセッション「雑誌を編んで、手渡していくこと:『5:Designing Media Ecology』のメディア・デザイン」(毛利嘉孝、宮田雅子、水越伸鼎談)

