Dear friends in Finland and Nordic countries, (日本語はうしろ)

The editorial office is glad to show you that ARKADIA International Bookshop in the city of Helsinki will kindly start selling 5: Designing Media Ecology. This is the first overseas bookshop treating our little magazine.


Mr. Ian Bourgeot (photo) and Ms. Liisa Bourgeot have been managing this fabulous secondhand bookshop and also developing a wonderful book community over there. The bookshop has a large and strangely cozy underground floor, great international book collections selected by sharp eyes, and serve nice coffee.

Shin Mizukoshi, the editor was very happy to meet Mr. Ian Bourgeot who instantly understood the concept of 5 and to be able to share the possibilities and challenges to maintain and develop small media communities.

For the moment there is only one copy of the 3rd issue in this bookshop.
You should be in a hurry if you would like to have it! We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Because Shin Mizukoshi and Masako Miata, the designer of 5 have been engaging with bilateral research project Storyplacing with Finnish researchers, they will bring more copies and hope to give a speech or a workshop in the bookshop in near future. Maybe in March and September 2016.

ARKADIA International Bookshop is near to the Tempeliaukion church and Finland national museum in the downtown of Helsinki.

If you have a chance to stay in Helsinki, please drop in the bookshop.
It is so wonderful.

Shin Mizukoshi


ついに日本の外で『5:Designing Media Ecology』を扱ってくれる本屋さんが見つかりました。ヘルシンキ市内にある、アルカディア・インターナショナル・ブックショップです。


編集委員の水越にとっては、イアンさんが即座に『5:Designing Media Ecology』の意味をわかってくださったこと、小さなメディア・コミュニティを維持、発展させていくことの可能性と課題を分かち合えたことがとてもうれしかったです。




Nervanderinkatu 11
00100 Helsinki/ Finland

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